4 octobre 2018,

Pay less for your alarm button or your emergency bracelet and what companies offer the best prices?

Shop for your Panic Button: Compare the best products and prices to Save

Almost 300,000 individuals 65 years and older fall every year in Quebec.  This results in hospitalization, usually for a long period of time. Female octogenarians are the most frequent victims, most of whom live alone and earn less than $15,000.  From 1997 to 2002, more than 7,000 elderly people died because of a fall. 180,000 falls leading to injury are reported in Canada every year. The Public Health Agency of Canada publishes these statistics and leave us feeling anxious.

Despite these scary statistics, it is advisable to shop around for your panic button. Never accept the first offer without comparing products and services.


Panic Buttons Save Lives and Prevent Worse Injury Due to Falls

When an elderly person falls, immediate medical assistance can save lives and prevent worse injury.

Unfortunately, if a person is alone in the house and is unconscious or can’t get to the phone, help may take a long time.

Even a few minutes can spell the difference between life and death.  Thanks to panic buttons, elderly people no longer need to feel afraid of getting hurt while alone at home.


Elderly People Can Keep their Independence and Enjoy Life

Many elderly people don’t want to admit they are not as strong as they used to be. They also tend to shrug off any anxiety of relatives about being by themselves with no one to help in the event of an emergency.

With the help of panic buttons, seniors can keep their independence without fear for much longer.  With this device installed at home in tandem with a home security system, a senior can wear a panic button in the form of a bracelet or pendant.  It is the best solution against a fall that guarantees immediate medical assistance inside the home or outside.

Living alone can be dangerous for the elderly.  By making the environment a safer place with a medical alert system, the serious consequences of an accident such as a fall can be significantly mitigated.

Keeping our elderly family members safe at all times should be a concern shared by all. If you have a senior at home or maybe living alone, it is time to learn more about medical alert systems and panic buttons.


How does a Panic Button Work?

Panic buttons are becoming more and more common in hospitals and homes for the elderly and semi-independent living facilities.  Temporary disorientation, dizziness, or any discomfort brought about by medical conditions, can pose serious problems to safety.

With a touch of your finger on the button, a medical alert system can provide immediate relief.  Once triggered, 2-way communication with a trained agent from a monitoring center ensues so that the danger can be addressed.  If a person becomes unconscious due to a fall or unable to respond due to an injury, the system equipped with fall detection sends an alert to the monitoring center even without someone pressing the button.

In the same way, a friend or relative listed as an emergency contact is also notified once a panic alert is triggered.  Medical responders are also dispatched immediately to the scene.


Panic Buttons are for Falls, Accidents, and Much More

Panic buttons can respond to any situation that requires immediate assistance.  It will react correspondingly by:

  • Sending ambulance services
  • Notifying police of an intrusion
  • Notifying the fire department of a fire
  • Warning security or medical staff in a building of your distress

This technology has been a tremendous help to patients and nurses in hospitals for many years.  They are also used in industrial applications such as in factories or businesses for security purposes.

Take advantage of the experience of our network of home and commercial security experts for providing you with your medical alert or panic button.

Fill-out our quick online form to connect with our partner alarm specialists who have been selected because of their expertise and reputation.  They will recommend the best panic button that is tailored to your needs and you can choose the offer that is most advantageous to you.

Receive absolutely free and no obligation quotes from leading providers for your panic button!


Who Needs Emergency Alert Systems and Panic Buttons?

Thousands of people have a medical alert or a panic button that they wear when at home, during travel, or while outdoors.  Who needs these personal emergency response systems?

✓  A person vulnerable because of some mental disability
✓  Workers in hazardous occupations
✓  Employees who work alone
✓  Residents living in high-crime areas
✓  Elderly persons who are semi-independent
✓  People with a medical condition
✓  Individuals who want some protection and peace of mind


There are many reasons for people to take advantage of panic buttons because the next life they save can be yours!

Best Companies for Medical Bracelet or Panic Button in Quebec

The emergency panic button functions to connect a person with a central monitoring center with trained personnel for all types of emergencies.  It can be a bracelet, pendant, or keychain with a simple button that can be pressed to send a distress signal. Some models have fall detection technology which adds to the level of protection.  Fall detection automatically senses an abnormal motion and sudden pulse to alert agents about your condition.  Generally, these type of devices are in the form of an emergency bracelet.

Important Facts About Panic  Buttons

Answers to most asked questions about monitoring centers in regards of alarm buttons.

Monitoring Centers and Panic Buttons

Hours of Operation 24 hours 7 days a week
Time of Response Within 20 to 30 seconds on average
Alert is On The LED light on the device is flashing
Do you pay if an alert is triggered? No, the service comes with a monthly plan.


The central monitoring stations ensure your safety. Are you worried about false alerts if you wear your panic button?


How to Prevent False Alerts: Understanding the Panic Button

There are several ways to prevent false alarms (example, by inadvertently activating your panic button). Here are some simple ways to avoid accidentally triggering an alert:

  • The button is built-in to make accidental activation a little more difficult.
  • Some models have 2 buttons that must be pressed at the same time.
  • Oftentimes, a pressure lasting at least 2 seconds will trigger the alert and this reduces false alarms.
  • In case of a false alert, inform the agent who contacts you that you are not in distress.

You can surely avoid false alerts with your panic button with these simple tips. How to use it effectively?


 How to Operate Your Panic Button

This device is convenient and easy to maintain a high level of efficiency. To demonstrate each stage of its operation, see the complete process that triggers the activation of your panic button:

Distress situation

  • You suffer a fall
  • Something threatens you
  • You feel pain or discomfort

You press the panic button

  • Your fall detector goes off


Wait for about 20 seconds

  • This time allows you to disable the alert if you don’t require assistance.


 2-way Communication is established

  • If you are able to speak, you can communicate with an officer trained to handle emergencies.
  • If you are unable to speak: do not worry, help is coming!


  • Appropriate responders will come to your rescue.
  • If a contact list is on record, they will be informed of your condition.


Easily identify types of panic buttons: Emergency Button wired or wireless, waterproof or water resistant

Inevitably, as in every field, there are categories to choose from. Panic buttons are not exempt, offering choices from wired and wireless devices. In general, a wired device will plug into your electrical outlet and attach itself to a surface, such as a wall, at your fingertips or under a countertop (for those who prefer it out of sight). This emergency button is secured in a rigid case.

In contrast, the wireless panic button looks like an accessory or jewelry that is easy to carry around. It can be worn on the wrist as a safety bracelet or it can be added to your keyring for easy access.  You can hang it as a necklace (in the shape of a pendant) or wear it at the waist with an all-purpose clip.


The panic button is also categorized into completely waterproof or water resistant models (the first being better if you plan to bathe or if you think you need to dip the button in water).

What is a fall detector and how does it work?

If you fall in an isolated place, alone, and unable to activate your panic button, what happens?

This is the primary function of the fall detector. It is equipped with an emergency button. In the event of a fall, the alert is still triggered since a sophisticated motion identification system will activate the alert despite your unconscious state. This feature, built into many panic buttons, can prolong your independence and provide more security to your environment even when living alone. It gives reassurance to your loved ones so you can live without fear because of your emergency button. In general, the device protects you, no matter where you are. A speaker will put you in touch (day and night) with an agent from a central monitoring station.

The panic buttons, equipped with two-way communication system connected to your smartphone, will add extra protection. This is optional. An ultra-sensitive sensor can more effectively identify your condition and the circumstances of your distress.

The average range of the emergency button with fall detection is 600 feet (almost 182 meters). Imagine twice the length of a Canadian football field: this is roughly the functional distance of this unit. Do not worry that the signal will be stopped by water because they cross up to 3 feet (or 1 meter) of water.

What does fall detection do while working in your alarm button?


How much?   It is inexpensive and durable
What is the style?   Bracelet, pendant, or watch
How much does it weigh?   It is light-weight and easy to wear
Battery life   Battery usually lasts 2 years
Waterproof   Most models are waterproof.
Range   Its range is about 600 feet from the base

Do you now have an idea of the type of panic button you want? Let’s compare companies to find the best one.


The Different Offers in the Market: Choose your Medical Emergency Button Carefully 

The medical bracelet, the emergency button, the safety pendant, and the fall detector watch are all products that are ordered by phone or internet in Quebec. To make it easier for you to find the best price, we took the time to thoroughly study the market as of January 2018. Rates are sure to change. However, this comparison highlights the subtleties that exist between the many competitors in the field of panic buttons.

✓ To be able to take advantage of the lowest rate according to your needs, fill out the form on this page.
✓  You will receive up to 3 quotes from security companies in your area.
✓ This platform is free and serves as a price comparison for consumers.

Save today on your panic button by comparing cost of panic buttons with our free quotes.

Below is a short summary of each company so you can compare your options. These product summaries will inform you more about these companies. Many of them are from Quebec, but you will find one from Australia. Since the emergency buttons and packages offered by these companies vary a lot, it is better to get to know the provider to make sure you pay the right price.


The SecurMEDIC ™ panic buttons

To secure seniors, buy an emergency button at SécurMédic.

Company Overview:

 Founded in 2009, SecurMedic offers a personal medical assistance system through 6 remote monitoring stations in Canada. More than 200,000 customers use their service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Their stations meet or exceed Canadian standards. With a medical alert system establishing instant communication through the two-way voice device, you are guaranteed get peace of mind.

Is your independence important to you? With the help of this panic button, you can continue to live at home alone and postpone the need to go into a retirement home. SecurMedic points out that about 1/3 of the population aged 65 and over is at risk for at least one fall per year. However, with the help of a device such as a medical bracelet, you can avoid the serious complications of a fall.

If you become a victim of a home invasion, just press your panic button. A SecurMedic representative will contact the police to come to your assistance.

Do you suffer from chronic conditions? Diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and epilepsy cause severe falls or complications. Give yourself the assurance of quick assistance by having a personal emergency response system installed.


Lifecall Panic Buttons

For a 24-hour response, take an ADT panic button from Lifecall.

Company Overview:

Using ADT technology, Lifecall offers nationwide, 24/7 remote monitoring services while offering high quality products and panic buttons that are water resistant. If you know someone in your family who wants to keep their independence in their advanced years, give them the protection of a Lifecall emergency button.


What does the Lifecall offer represent?

  • A water-resistant device
  • An LED (LED type) that indicates when a fall is detected.
  • Continuous telemonitoring, 24/7.
  • Prompt access to a central monitoring station thanks to a two-way communication system.
  • A device that can be worn around a neck-shaped pendant.
  • Extended autonomy for people wanting to enjoy their freedom of movement.
    A way for people with reduced mobility (or those with a physical disability) to call for help discreetly.
  • A free estimate based on your needs if you contact them online or by phone.


Panic Button from DirectAlert

DirectAlert medical alert systems offer you alert buttons.

Company Overview:

 Their product line targets seniors who want to stay independent. In business for 13 years, this company offers a 30-day free trial period for its panic buttons.  Always reliable, Direct Alert provides medical alert systems to Canadians. You can live safely and maintain your lifestyle by securing your surroundings.


What does Direct Alert offer?

  • A local service that operates within Canada.
  • 100% dedicated attention from the company to ensure your independence and your protection
  • Total transparency regarding their price.
  • Reliable services without a contract.
  • Personalized customer services that serves you professionally.
  • Local response by properly trained agents.


3 simple steps in Direct Alert’s approach to panic buttons:

✓  Press your help button (or automatically trigger the fall detector if you fall)
✓  Since the agent has access to your personal profile, he will be able to evaluate the situation to help you immediately.
✓  Depending on the nature of your situation, the agent will contact your family, neighbors or emergency services while remaining on the line to assist you.


Philips Lifeline Panic Button

For a good panic button, choose the company Philips Lifeline.

Company Overview:

Dr. Andrew S. Dibner founded the Lifeline Systems in 1974 to assist seniors. The company sold its products through health facilities to help the community. Since then, innovation and technology have allowed the company to bring its expertise directly to the public. Philips Lifeline has more than 7 million subscribers in North America. The company’s personal security systems fall into three broad categories:


The HomeSafe system:

This standard panic button is waterproof and allows 2-way voice communication with a Lifeline (country-based and rigorously trained) monitoring center. It helps you retain your independence in and around your home. It comes with a waterproof Help Button and allows you to ask for help 24/7.  This option provides extensive coverage with an in-home communicator.

This system is installed professionally by Lifeline trained representatives to ensure it works properly.


HomeSafe with fall detection called AutoAlert:

You will get a pendant that can detect falls. More than 95% of falls are detected by this device. This product also contains all the advantages of the standard system.

The GoSafe system:

Go anywhere wearing your panic button and benefit from uninterrupted protection. It has 6 monitoring centers that ensure quick response during a moment of distress.


Care Alert Canada Panic Buttons
For a console that automatically calls your contacts, purchase the CareAlert panic button.

Company Overview:

This 30-year-old company has always performed well in the residential security sector. The “Smart Dialer” was designed by an Australian businessman with 25 years of experience in the field of security. Mr. Steele won the prestigious “Australia Day Award”. In 2003, he put on the market the first “Smart Dialer” that made a splash. Today, you can buy this panic button directly online through Care Alert Products.


History of Care Alert Products

Care Alert Products co-founder Christine Beard was looking for a suitable safety product to assist her aging mother. She wanted her to maintain her independence and stay home. Ms. Beard realized that for her mother to have peace of mind and feel safe at home, she needed an easy and reliable way to communicate with her family and friends in case of an emergency.

Her research shed light on a homogenous market, since the majority of the emergency systems available included monthly and sometimes astronomical monitoring fees. She also knew that her mother would be reluctant to talk to a stranger who would contact her family or friends anyway to help her.

Unsatisfied with existing products in North America, she looked for other solutions and discovered the Smart Dialer, a proven, widely used and recommended solution in Australia.


My Guardian Angel Panic Button

For a company from Quebec that deals in panic buttons, check out My Guardian Angel.

Company Overview:

The mission of My Guardian Angel is simple – Give you peace of mind!

This Quebec company has been specializing in residential security since 2007. It is pleased to have invested a lot of resources and time in the development of its products. Its devices and services are recommended by health professionals and are divided into distinct categories:  Maestro, Star, Valet, etc. To understand the particularities that define these products offered by My Guardian Angel, here is a summary of the Maestro.


What is the Maestro?

The basic kit includes a wireless panic button connected to an intercom that communicates directly with the agents of a monitoring center.


The bracelet options include:

  • Bracelet-Star – This product has a special feature. Its design facilitates its handling by people with reduced dexterity.
  • Bracelet-Regular – Water repellent, this bracelet immerses completely in the water.


GMS Security System Panic Button

For the family approach to emergency buttons, there is GMS Security System.

Company Overview:

This family business is dedicated to providing quality products and services. GMS Security was created in 1981. Their security advisers get training from the manufacturer to educate the public on all the features of security systems. A winning team is the core of GMS Security.  It takes pride in its administration formed by employees who respond appropriately to clients. Conscientious technicians will install your security system.


Reasons to choose MS Security for your panic button:

  • A residential security experience since 1981
  • A team of meticulous and professional technicians.
  • Counselors are attentive and answer all your questions
  • Since advisors are trained (by the manufacturer), they have a thorough knowledge of the products and all the features offered by their security company.
  • Flexibility since 60-month contract is not required. Customers can choose from 36-60 months.


OneCallAlert Panic Button

Talk to friendly agents when you buy a panic button at OneCallAlert.

Company Profile:

This company does not tell us much about its history and focuses on its services. We learned that they employ professional phone operators to avoid you stumbling on recorded messages. OneCallAlert help calls will not be charged. They offer three types of emergency buttons and you must contact them by phone to make your order. Here are 3 options offered by OneCallAlert:


Fixed residential line

This panic button requires a wired line. If you already have a residential telephone line, the connection will be easy. You will not need any equipment and will not pay any activation fee. The waterproof device has a functional range of 350 meters. Expect to receive a flat rate for life. Do not sign any long-term commitment with OneCallAlert.


Residential Wireless Line

Unlike the previous package, this product is connected to the national AT & T network. The other advantages are identical.


Mobile System

You can move the system wherever there is national AT & T coverage. With its two-way communication, you can directly communicate if you need help. The other benefits are identical to the previous packages.


Secure Life Canada Panic Button

Get an emergency button Secure Life Canada connected to a central monitoring station.

The goal of Secure Life Canada is to make available to the general public a medical monitoring alert system at all times. Their monitoring center located in Quebec is always ready to receive your distress call. Qualified agents will relay your signal to the appropriate emergency services: firefighters, relatives, paramedics, or law enforcement.

The emergency buttons from Secure Life provide immediate comfort with two-way, hands-free communication while waiting for help. A range of 600 to 1000 feet allows for extended coverage around the main console.

SECURE-LIFE panic buttons are suitable for:

✓  The disabled
✓   People who are prone to falls
✓   Individuals with a physical disability
✓   Isolated people or lone inhabitants
✓   People with memory problems (especially when taking medication is mandatory)
✓   Convalescing patients from surgery
✓   Seniors with mobility issues


Bip Bip Panic Inc.

Do not pay any monthly payments with Beep Panic Beep and their emergency buttons.

Company Profile:

This company was founded on the efforts of Mr Alain Diébold. In 2007, he created Bip Bip Panic Inc. because he discovered that all similar services requesting a monthly subscription for the panic button service expensive. On the website of Bip Bip Panique Inc., a consumer can order a waterproof emergency button without having to subscribe to a monthly service.


Global Security Panic Button

More than 75,000 installations for Global Security that offer good panic buttons.

Company Profile

As a leader in residential security in Quebec, Global Security offers emergency panic buttons that will contact the people of your choice. It can also be connected to your alarm system and a central monitoring station to increase its effectiveness. Decide to send a notification to a loved one if nothing is detected in your home during a peaceful day.

Depending on your selection criteria, the price of your panic button will vary based on your needs and budget. Check prices from Global Security for the full range of their home security products.


Global Security offers these unique advantages to customers:

  • Recommended by the BSQ (Office of Private Security)
  • Enjoys an excellent reputation with Quebecers
  • 10 different offices in Quebec to serve its customers
  • Monitoring centers that meet stringent industry standards (ULC).
  • Licensed by the RBQ (Régie de la Bâtiment du Québec)
  • Member of CANASA (Canadian Security Association)

Customers also receive long-term warranty on parts and service.

Take a look at the different offers, guarantees, features, and benefits of these 11 companies selling panic buttons in Quebec for your guidance.

2018 Review of Companies Offering Panic Buttons in Quebec

Company Connected to monitoring center Panic Button Details Fall detection Monthly Price Cost of Equipment Method of Purchase
SecurMedic 24/7 monitoring
30-day refund
Lifetime warranty
Standard. Bracelet and pendant.

Water resistant.

1000 feet.

None $ 19.95 without a contract

+ $ 10 for a second button

$ 198.95 Purchase through their website.

Free delivery in Canada.

No waiting and good communication in French.

LifeCall  24/7 monitoring With warranty because it is rented.

Standard and fall detector.


Range of 200 feet.

Yes + $15

$ 39.95 without a 3-month contract.

+ $ 5 for a second button

No By telephone.

Free delivery inside Canada.

Little wait and adequate service in French.

DirectAlert With monitoring, lifetime warranty The bracelet and the pendant are included.

Can be plugged into any home phone line



Classic: 1000 feet

Talk through: 600 feet

Optional cellular base: 600 feet

Included in products:

Talk through Cellular Base

Classic: $ 19.95 + equipment fees or $ 39.95 per month.
Speak through: $ 29.95 + equipment fees or $ 49.95 a month.
Cellular: $ 39.95 + equipment fees or $ 59.95 per month.
$ 199.95

+ $ 79.95 for a second button

Call or direct chat.

Free delivery by Fedex in 24 hours.

Short waiting period and good French skills.

Philips Lifeline 24/7 monitoring
With warranty because it is leased
Homesafe: basic.
Homesafe + Auto Alert –fall detector.
GoSafe: go everywhere + fall detector.The GoSafe system is waterproof.Range:
Homesafe: 350 feet.
Homesafe + Auto Alert: 350 feet.
GoSafe: everywhere.
Included in products:

Homesafe + Auto Alert and


Homesafe: $42.95 + $89.95 installation.
Homesafe + Auto Alert: $57.95 + $89.95 installation.
GoSafe: $79.95 + $ 89.95 installation.
Fee for a second button:
Homesafe: + $10.Homesafe + Auto Alert: + $15.GoSafe: +$30
None By telephone.

Very courteous but French sometimes difficult to understand.

CareAlert No monitoring
With 1-year warranty
30-day refund
Pay $29 for 2 more years upon purchase
Standard. The bracelet and the pendant are included.Waterproof.Range of 150 feet. No None $ 289.95

+ $45 if you want a technician to program the unit.+$49 for an extra bracelet and pendant.

Purchase through their website.

Free delivery inside Canada.Just English speaking and no after-sales service.

My Guardian Angel With central monitoring station, with warranty because device under lease Bracelet-type.

Water repellent

Range between 600 and 1,000 feet.

Fall detection + $5 Basic: $27.95 (must be prepaid 3 months
GPS  package: $60 (must be prepaid 3 months)+ $3 for a second button
None By telephone.

Hard to reach someone on the phone during busy hours and lunchtime.

Very good level of French

GMS Security No Central monitoring station, you need to find monitoring service

No mention of warranty

Range of 50 feet. None None $ 300 + delivery + $85 installation (+ $ 45 if needed for programming)

+ $97.50 for a second button

By telephone.

Delivery at your expense.

The representative did not know the product at all and advised to go see the competition.

Good French.

One Call Alert

With Central monitoring station but by American representatives speaking English. (24/7).

Lifetime warranty

Bracelet and pendant type.

Water resistance:

Wired line: waterproof
Wireless line: waterproof

Mobile line: water resistant


Wired line: 350 meters.
Wireless line: 350 meters.
Mobile Line: AT & T National Network.

Fall detection +$10 Warning! Prices are in US dollars.
Wired line: $39.99
Wireless line: $44.99
Mobile line: $49.99* based on annual plan.

By telephone, in English

English speaking only

Secure Life Canada With central monitoring, 24/7

Bracelet and pendant type.



Basic: 600- 1,000 feet.
Geo-location: ALL

With fall detection, buy the pendant $99.95 Basic offer: $19.95.
Basic promotion: $39.95 to have device included + $25 rebate.
Geo-location: $29.95.

Basic offer: $165.95.

+99.95 $ for fall detector pendant.

Geo-location: $299.+ $65.95 for a second button

By telephone. You leave your number and someone calls you back.

Very good service, but the process to get to the purchase is long.

Bip Bip Panic Button

No central monitoring

Company principle is to help you save on monthly fees

Bracelet type. Installs on your wired line.

The bracelet HW-434 is waterproof.

Range of 100 feet.

Internal memory of 9 numbers.


No monthly payments

Outright purchase

Basic console: $169.99.

+ $29.99 to get the bracelet.

Purchase via website only.

Delivery charge of $35.00 fixed.

It can take several times before Mr. Alain Diébold calls you back himself.

He speaks French well, but he speaks loudly.

Global Security Central monitoring 24/7

Basic package: Lynx3000 console.


Range 200 feet.

Built-in smoke detector.

Choice of clip, pendant or bracelet.

Fall Detector Package: Numera4000 Console.

Waterproof. Range 1,000 feet.
GSM Package: Operates anywhere in Canada and tracks the person on cellular.

Yes, with the Fall Detection package Basic package: $34.99 on a 36-month contract.
Fall Detector Package: $39.99.
GSM package: $39.99.
Fall Detector Package: $379.99 + $99.00 activation + $79.00 for the button.

GSM package (limited offer): $379.95 + $99.00 activation + $79.00 for the button.If you want a second button, you have to buy the complete kit.

Purchase by phone only.

The representative knows a lot and speaks a very good French.

Where do you go for a medical emergency button or a safety bracelet?

For your panic button, compare prices to pay the lowest possible price.

After looking at this in-depth comparison of companies offering panic buttons, do you know who you’re going to turn to.? Promotions can also save you hundreds of dollars, but they have limited duration. The critical questions that should guide your choice are:

✓  Do you want to have direct access to the central monitoring station?
✓  Do you think you will need the device long enough to sign a service agreement?
✓  Do you need the fall detector function?
✓  How far should the range of the device be at all times?
✓  How much are you willing to spend?
✓  Will you immerse your device in water (if you swim in a pool, wash dishes, etc.)?
✓  Does the language for communication with the company matter to you?

If you answer each of these answers clearly, you should already identify what level of protection you need. If you are still unsure of your best option, there is also an effective and innovative method that will reduce the work on your part: the online request form on this page that will let you compare prices.

Indeed, you can ask security professionals to submit up to 3 quotes tailored to your needs by filling-out our quick online form. You can take advantage of this free service to determine which product will be most advantageous for you.

Our platform will act as:

✓  A tool for you to shop in less time and more efficiently for your emergency button in Quebec.
✓  The price comparison tool of security companies in real time (since our partners are competitors working in the field of residential protection).
✓  Your partner in your research without any obligation on your part to accept the offers that you receive.

Save today on your panic button in Quebec and protect yourself against fires, criminals, falls and all kinds of distressful situations.


    Without Obligation